Q: I’ve been working with a client for over a year. She started with me working on her blocks and mindset about money with a floundering online business that has been stuck for year. In the process she shared a fantastic idea for a high end luxury product and with my encouragement she switched gears and doubled-down on that idea and it’s had a life of its own in the past 12 months. She’s brought on a number of folks to help her move the product forward (again, at my suggestion) and they’ve been working with her for sweat equity. I’ve continued to do my work with her charging her for my monthly packages, but as this product grows and as she grows as a founder, I’ve been feeling the nudge to switch to some kind of profit sharing/sweat equity model with her. It feels a bit awkward and clunky to do that. I don’t want to come across as money grubbing and yet I don’t want my concerns about what other people think of me to keep me from switching to something that feels like I’m part of the team (I was her only team member until just recently). I work as a psychic and an energy worker in addition to being a coach. I’m not sure how to handle this in a way that would feel in alignment for her and for me. I’ve been known to take the spiritual “high road” and push away money or opportunity because of baggage around that. Yet, I do think that I’ve been a huge support and guide to her through the past year and I don’t want to sit on my hands about this product. I also know this is a super niche question and maybe not appropriate for the community, but it never hurts to ask. Thanks for reading. 🙂