Let's Talk About Money, Honey!

I’ve had lots of questions recently about how I’ve been able to consistently bring in five-figure months since my second month in business, so I’m spilling one of my secrets, which is that a huge part of it (besides taking the right action of course!) has been setting intentions.
A wonderful mentor of mine told me quite some time ago that “money flows where it has a purpose”. That has always stuck with me, and has become a huge part of my practice in my business.
That is why I started creating intentions around the money I want to bring in. I decide how much I desire to make in the upcoming months, assign where every penny of it will go, and then I get really unattached to HOW it will happen.

In other words, I hold space for the money coming to me in an unlimited number of ways… it doesn’t have to look like 4 clients or 2 paychecks. It just has to show up.
When setting an intention on the amount I strive for it to feel exciting and like a bit of a stretch, but not so big that my brain is screaming at me, “That’s NEVER going to happen!!”. Our intentions need to feel somewhat realistic for us to be able to hold space for them to happen.
I know this can sound a little “woo woo”, but I promise you setting intentions that feel exciting, and not deciding HOW they have to happen can make all the difference in not only finances but life + business as well.
My exact practice looks like this:

  1. Decide how much money you want to make each month for the next 3 months. Remember, you want it to feel exciting and like a stretch but not totally impossible!
  2. Assign where every penny of that money will go WHEN it comes in.
  3. Put this document somewhere where you can read and reference it often.
  4. Track your money as it comes in to prove that money is flowing to you constantly.
  5. DO NOT think about HOW it’s going to come to you. Just continue holding the vision that it’s already done

I’d love to challenge you to try this exercise on your own. Some of the women in my Facebook group have already given it a try and are seeing AMAZING results!If you’re up for doing this exercise comment below and tell me that you’re in, and if you feel comfortable share with me an intention you’re setting!!
You can also watch my video on this topic on A Lit Up Life’s Video Page! In it I share something CRAZY that I realized when I looked over my last 6 months of intentions!