"1:1 coaching can’t scale…” Says who?

When I first started in the industry 8 years ago the overall consensus was that the only path to growing and scaling a coaching business was: book out your 1:1 clients → then start a group program → then launch a course.

Luckily for me, the “book out your 1:1 clients” part was easy. I LOVED one-on-one coaching and used some really smart relationship-building strategies to have a $20k month my second month in business, get booked out with 1:1 clients just 6 months in (and stay that way), and hit six figures in just ten months.

I really was cruising and went on to hit multiple six figures in just 16 months. But then… things got tough.

I launched a group program a couple of times and it was fine, but just wasn’t lighting me up. However, I had so much pressure to keep the growth going and scale (from my coaches, the industry, and myself).

Then on the third launch of that program… shit hit the fan.

I got super sick during it. Like “I have never been more sick in my life” kind of sick. I could physically FEEL my body resisting it. But I did what all of us high-achievers do… I pushed through anyway 🤪. I went on to get 36 people in the group program and have my best launch to date. But even though the results were there… the passion wasn’t, and more importantly, the life wasn’t.

When my OBM sent me a bottle of champagne to celebrate pulling off an incredible launch even though I had been so ill… my then husband saw it on the counter and our conversation went like this:
Obviously there had been SO. MUCH. leading up to this moment (that isn’t worth going into here) but it was in that moment that I realized I would never be seen and supported in my marriage no matter how hard I tried.

One month later, I asked my husband for a divorce.

One month after that, I told my team I wouldn’t be launching any more group programs.

I decided that I was going to do it my own way, and if that meant only having one-on-one clients and a $250,000/year business for the rest of my time as an entrepreneur that was more than OK with me (thanks to the wisdom of my father who reminded me that me being happy in my business was the whole damn point).

So I got my divorce, got rid of my program, got my attention in the right place (on my own joy and on my 1:1 clients)…

And then I got the idea...

One night while I was taking a bubble bath the idea hit me … I could scale 1:1 by adding revenue share. I wanted to be a PARTNER in my clients businesses. I wanted to build and grow it with them, and there actually WAS a way to scale 1:1 coaching.

I went from bubble bath idea to fully formed application and process within 48 hours because I KNEW (like in my bones) that this was what I was meant to do.

And while I make that sound fun and easy, it wasn’t…

I had a lot of people at the time (some whose opinions mattered to me, and some who didn’t) tell me it wasn’t a good idea. That it would never scale, no one would get it, people would lie about their income, etc.

But one thing about me is that I am GREAT at listening to my own gut, so I persisted.

I took on 3 clients for 15% of new revenue generated through our work together. All 3 of them ended up paying me more (like, a lot more) than my normal coaching rate, and I knew I was on to something.

They raved about the experience, and I felt more connected to my business and work than ever.

That’s when The Partnership Model™ was born.

I incorporated that model into my entire business (with a small base rate and 10% of new revenue generated through our work together) and have been working with clients this way ever since.

I’ve never once deviated from this model because it feels SO damn good to me and SO damn good to my clients.

I have many clients that have been in The Partnership Model™ since the day it was created (and some who were clients even before that, and are still clients to this day!)

I went on to hit a seven-figure year my sixth year in business. Think about that… with a small 1:1 practice and a base rate of only $1250/month I made ONE MILLION DOLLARS in a year because my clients made more than 10x that (because some of those lucky b*tches who got in before I added on revenue share are making millions too 😂).

That is what I’m most proud of. I scale and make money only when my clients do. Do you know other coaches who can truly say that?

And what’s even cooler? They did it in their own way.

Yes, now I have a few clients who use the revenue share model too (because once you’re a client in it you GET how good it feels), but mostly? My clients all have different businesses and models. Because there’s no one right way to do this thing except for the way that feels best to you.

I truly cannot imagine loving a business or clients more than I do. I am the definition of lit up. I’m so glad I didn’t listen to everyone who said that couldn’t scale and I’m so happy to support clients in knowing that they can throw all the rules out too.

And if you’re nosey like me and are like,

“Cool, cool, congrats! But tell us the JUICY stuff about what happened after your divorce… “

The answer is… it got really, really good.

I met my now husband about 9 months after my divorce was finalized, and he happens to be the best guy I know.

We got married 1 year after that.

And we had our sweet baby boy, Bennett, 15 months later.

Being a mom has been the best thing that’s ever happened to me and while it’s not easy (more sleep… lots more sleep… would be nice 😂), it’s made everything better.

Holding the titles of Mom and CEO together are really where I am my best self.

I know it can get really, really good for you too. And I’d love to be your partner and support system in making that happen. You can sign up for The Partnership Model™ wait list below.