My Top 5 Secrets for Making Sure Your Next Investment is Your BEST Investment

Thinking about WHERE to invest can be totally overwhelming. There are so many coaches out there, so many programs and courses and guides, so many different service providers who all seem to be selling exactly what we think we need, and so many software or task management systems that we’ve convinced ourselves we’ve just got […]

5 Tips for Minimizing Decision Fatigue (and Maximizing Productivity)

Is it just me or does it seem like everything in our lives and businesses just gets more and more complicated? Picking our Internet provider, figuring out the latest social media platform, navigating the endless opt-ins shoved in our faces, or understanding what’s healthy and what’s not in between a sea of different opinions. We’re […]

How To Build Your Community AND Make Bank

Ready for a #truthbomb? It’s possible to build a thriving, VALUABLE community while building your business + bank account. Because contrary to what some might say, these two things are not mutually exclusive. You don’t have to choose between building a community…or building an empire.   You get to have both, so long as you […]

Why Finding Your Ideal Client is Bullshit… And What To Do Instead

I think the whole ideal client thing is bullshit. Seriously… I do. We’re chasing an ideal that doesn’t exist. Sure, there is value in knowing who you love to work with. It’s great to understand who lights you up, who leaves you feeling energized, who you get and understand and therefore can best serve. It’s […]