Transform Your Biz With Gratitude + Celebration
I’m sharing how it’s worked for me, and what actionable steps you can take right now! Since it was Thanksgiving Week here in the U.S. I am going to be slightly cheesy and talk about the role of gratitude and celebrating in your business, which I am certain is one of the main components to consistent […]
How are you showing up in your business? Plus My Personal Story
This week I want to talk to you about how you SHOW UP in your business, and what PARTS of you show up in your business. I am talking about this from a very personal perspective, as it is something I continue to learn, evolve into, and sometimes struggle with in my own business. Showing […]
I've never shared this before…
I’ve never shared this before…But it’s time! Today I want to tell you a really personal story that I’ve been putting off sharing with you all for far too long. I love to connect, give great content, and enjoy working with all of you more than you know, but one of the things that I’ve […]
Do You Really Know Your Niche?
This week I want to talk to you about how niching down and getting clear on your ideal client is a way to see serious results in your biz. We’re going to talk: Why it’s so important How it trips a lot of people up at the beginning, and what to do instead Doing […]
Ready To Cultivate Some Major Inspiration In Your Biz?
This week I want to talk to you about cultivating inspiration and using inspiration to drive your content creation and business plans. We’re going to cover: Why it’s so important How to cultivate your inspiration How to use your inspiration to drive your business planning How to use inspiration as a motivator Inspiration is crucial […]