Want To Know How Content Can Bring In $1,000 In One Day?
Sound amazing to make $1,000 in a day by creating content? That is EXACTLY what my client, Molly Fedick did. I’m so excited to share this story with you! Molly has grown her blog’s Instagram from 111 to 5,459 followers in THREE weeks, and got TWO paid sponsorships for her Instagram account (yes, you read […]
The Lit Up Library: My Current Favorite Books
Instinct: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive by T.D. Jakes Why I love this book: It really focuses on listening to ourselves and following our instincts. All too often people feel like they aren’t getting guidance from God, the universe, or their higher selves because someone isn’t coming out of the sky to talk […]
Freedom Is The New Black
Freedom is a huge theme in my life. It’s why I started my business. It’s why I’ve dedicated my life to help other women. It’s why I’m happy 98% of the day every day. In fact, feeling free is probably my top core desired feeling (see: Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte), and I make […]
The Weight of Perfection
A theme that has been coming up this week in several of my one-on-one client coaching sessions is the idea of perfection. As women entrepreneurs, or really just women in general, we often put these tremendous expectations on ourselves and no matter how much we accomplish we always feel like we fall short. “I […]
Why "I'll be happy when…" Is The Most Dangerous Thing You Can Say
I used to be the queen of “I’ll be happy when…” I’ll be happy when I get a promotion. I’ll be happy when I finish this degree. I’ll be happy when I lose 5 lbs. The list could go on forever, but guess what? I did all of those things, and I still wasn’t happy. […]