How To Build An Engaged Community That Also Grows Your Bank Account

I’ve heard some stuff lately like… “Facebook groups are dying”.
I couldn’t disagree more.
Facebook groups that are unengaged, only about sales, or aren’t true communities might be dying, but REAL communities are not.
I’ve built my Facebook group to over 2,000 women and I’ve consistently used it to make five-figure months since my second month in business.
There is a way to build a thriving community that is valuable while also building your business and your bank account.
But here’s the key… we have to be willing to do BOTH.
We can’t JUST be about the selling and we can’t JUST be about the service. When we combine both is when not only will our communities thrive but when our businesses thrive!

Here are my best tips around how I’ve built a thriving community and my bank account while feeling value-based and integrity-based the whole time.


Here’s the thing… I don’t want to be one of those coaches that says that the ONLY reason to build a community is to make more money, but I ALSO don’t want to be one that says not to have any intention to sell to your community either.
I believe you have to be in the mindset where you can give value and serve while also being willing to receive!
What I see happening a lot is that people are approaching their community building from one of two places:

  • I’m building a community to serve, not to get anything in return (i.e. I over-give, never sell, and feel confused on how to get clients and build my biz)
  • I’m building a community to get clients (i.e. I over-sell, under-serve, and it becomes a spam zone, not a true community)

The intention and the story behind these are the issue. Being in it ONLY for service or ONLY for selling.
What I’d love to encourage you to do is to build a community with the intention of creating an EVEN ENERGY EXCHANGE.
That means you pour into your community, and in return they pour back into you and your business.
You give them amazing value and support, and they support you with clients, engagement etc.
You allow them to ask questions, promote their services, etc. and in return they let you showcase your expertise, sell your services, etc.
That’s a total intention shift right?! When we LOSE that even exchange is when we gravitate toward only serving (and burning out and getting resentful) or only selling (and losing your community and following). We want to be the candle that lights others up without diminishing our own flame!
My intention with this community is to always show up with the desire to give value, serve, and help you create results but I also show up willing to receive…. clients, knowledge, support, engagement, etc.
THAT is the shift… being willing to create a community that’s about giving and receiving.
That also sets the intention for the rest of the group. In the communities where the leader is ONLY about selling… everyone in the community seems to follow suit. In the communities where the leader gives endlessly without receiving, no one else shows up ready to receive.


The best strategy I have for building your community and making bank is to get your potential clients a result before they ever pay you a dime! I will say this until I am blue in the face because it MATTERS.
There is SO much noise in this industry… so much 5 days to 50K bullshit floating around…. So many promises without results on the back end…
That’s why you STAND OUT when you’re a service provider that can provide your community with results BEFORE they shell out the money to work with you!
So if you want to build your community… give value that gets results. It’s as simple as that.
But if you want to build your community and make bank then we need to take this one step further… give value that gets results and then ASK for the sale.
Again, people are usually operating in one of two ways… they’re either giving #allthevalue and never selling or they’re only selling and never giving the upfront value… neither of these has you building a community and making bank. It’s ALWAYS about the combination.
One of my favorite ways to do this is to use the Gary V philosophy of … jab, jab, jab, right hook.
Give value at least three times as often as you’re selling to your community.
I’d also add sell without attachment. Don’t put out one offer one time and then feel discouraged if people don’t pick it up immediately. Make value and selling part of your long-term game plan and both your community and your bank account will grow.
Now, I’d love to ask you. What resonates here? How have you grown a community with value and sales? Where can we support you? Share with us below!


It is totally possible to build an amazing, engaged community that ALSO wants to buy from you. You don’t have to decide between pouring from an empty cup and only being a selling-machine.
Here are some of my best tips that you can execute on right now to build your community AND make bank!

  1. Hold an amazing challenge that gets results (and builds your community), and then make an offer after
  2. Create an awesome download and put it in the files section of your group and invite people to join your group to get it. When they get value from it what’s the next step to working with you? Tell ‘em
  3. Give your community members opportunity for it to feel like it’s their community too (i.e. can they make their own offers, form connections, ask questions, etc.). If someone feels in community and relationship with you they are SO much more likely to buy from you!
  4. Create amazing, valuable content weekly and share with your email list and in other groups what you’re talking about and invite people to join the conversation. If someone joins your community because they’re interested in what you’re teaching they’re going to be much more likely to buy.
  5. Give value by telling your group what you have to offer and what you’re selling… that’s ACTUALLY giving value if your services will support them in creating the results they want.
  6. ENGAGE with your community members… don’t post and run in your own community. Part of your value is your presence. People want to buy from a present leader… not one that can’t be bothered to build relationships.

If you build a true community that’s about service, engagement, connection, and results it will be one of the best things you can do for your business AND your bank account.  

Now I’d love to hear from you… What are your favorite tips for building a community that wants to buy from you? What are you feeling challenged by?
Share with us below!