Client Testimonial

Shannon Conway

It’s been a year of healthy feng shui. Streamlining offers and removing programs that were not serving me. In particular, I removed offers that were draining me, offers I developed in response to client needs (I am a Generator in Human Design–my strategy is to respond).

I have transformed my connection to the coaching industry and matured my grasp of business. I am learning how to ask for more from my own business. Where I previously was performative, I have cultivated an attitude of neutrality toward my challenges, which is huge!

Because of working with Lacey, I have WAY more grace and self-love. I trust my own power and see why I have struggled in an entirely new light. I feel safe to learn and grow, and be seen as a whole person. As a coach who can ‘turn it on’ for clients, I didn’t see how I was burning myself out. How I wasn’t choosing or prioritizing joy and pleasure. I can’t wait to see how I feel after a full year of this kind of support.

Lacey learns from and with her clients. Everything she shares is straight from sessions and from her heart. She is leading the coaching industry not just as a personally brilliant and accomplished 1:1 coach, but also as a market researcher who is capturing and feeding back the results of her work in real time.

Real-time market research and use of it in marketing and sessions is a game changer. She is truly changing the coaching world.

She is also just a wonderful, fun, happy soul who basically spouts brilliant sunshine all day. I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a coach.