Episode 15: Smart Delegation and How to Take Back Your Time (Session 11 with Sam)

In Session 11 with Sam, we see that fast growth is possible AND that there are still things to figure out and challenges to solve along the way and that’s completely normal. We’re giving you the permission to handle changes in your business in a way that keeps you moving forward and discussing how to incorporate team in a way that best serves your goals, priorities and growth. 


Here’s exactly what we discuss this episode:

  • How to handle changes and fluctuations in your business in a way that keeps you moving (and doesn’t halt your results)
  • The power of priorities (& what to do when you’re feeling lost or experiencing challenges in your business)
  • What it looks like to delegate strategically and how to incorporate team in a way that best serves your growth
  • What to do if you feel overwhelmed with your workload and how to create more time in your schedule (hint: if you’re unhappy working nights and weekends, this is for you!)
  • The difference between a CEO and an OBM (and what most business owners get wrong when making their first hire)
  • Why you need to create channels of communication with your clients *outside* of your email inbox
  • The conversation you REALLY need to be having if you want to convert coaching clients 


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