Episode 23: Detachment, Self-Trust, and Spaciousness in Business (Session 17 with Erika)

In Session 17 with Erika, we catch up on Erika’s launch (and hear what she did/didn’t do to bring it from 50% to only 3% behind her previous launch in just 5 days)! We also discuss the power of detachment in goal-setting and getting results, plus talk about how to create more spaciousness and enjoyment in your life and business! 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • How Erika’s launch recovered from 50% behind to 3% behind her last launch in just 5 days (and what she did and didn’t do to make this happen!)
  • Detaching from the results and how to set & reach big goals WITHOUT obsessing over them or adding pressure to your plate
  • What self-trust in business REALLY means (and how to feel confident in your ability to get results and hit your goals)
  • Resisting spaciousness and how to NOT make everything feel like an emergency (plus how to avoid filling any downtime with more work and to-dos)
  • Why my divorce was the best thing that happened to my business (and how sometimes circumstances in life can help us shift habits and thought patterns in business)


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