What to do if you’re not seeing results in your business

Do you ever feel like you’re so close, but not yet actually at the success you want? Or, do you ever feel like you’re doing ALL the things and just hoping – maybe silently and desperately praying – that something will stick? If so, then here’s a little something you might not yet know. Success […]

My Top 5 Secrets for Making Sure Your Next Investment is Your BEST Investment

Thinking about WHERE to invest can be totally overwhelming. There are so many coaches out there, so many programs and courses and guides, so many different service providers who all seem to be selling exactly what we think we need, and so many software or task management systems that we’ve convinced ourselves we’ve just got […]

3 Steps To Making Business Plans You'll Actually Follow Through With

Business plans are so valuable as solopreneurs and serve as one way to support us in staying focused and creating results quickly (rather than trying to do #allthethings and seeing what sticks). However, planning (and following through with our plans) isn’t always easy…

The Top Ten Habits of Wildly Successful Online Entrepreneurs

It can be so tempting to chase that magic pill that grants you all the success you’ve been desiring (ideally with none of the effort, am I right?). In fact, a lot of the marketing to online entrepreneurs that I see lately suggests that there IS a hidden secret to success that you just haven’t […]

Visibility that feels good AND grows your business

When I recently opened up the application process for A Lit Up Partnership, one of the most interesting things that came out of the three week process was the realization that visibility remains one of the biggest challenges for new entrepreneurs. The amount of people who indicated they REALLY wanted to win the partnership, and […]