5 Keys to Getting Big Results in Your Business

Over three rounds of A Lit Up Partnership, my past partnership clients created the following results: 5x an income A Forbes feature Filled a practice with ideal clients   Made $1500 in one week on a passive income product Created six figures of income within 6 months Hit five figure months consistently (Just to name […]

Want to change your reality? Change your environment.

Who we surround ourselves with matters. What I mean by this is that we’re influenced – for better or worse! – by the relationships we keep in both business and life. You’ve probably heard of the quote from Jim Rohn that says we’re the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. […]

My Specific Practices For Getting Empowered Around Money

Money is such a charged topic isn’t it? It can make us feel deliriously happy (new client pays her first invoice) OR like a total failure (monthly income is NOT where you want it to be, or is simply non-existent). But the truth is, that its usually LESS about what happens (because we could easily […]

The Top Ten Habits of Wildly Successful Online Entrepreneurs

It can be so tempting to chase that magic pill that grants you all the success you’ve been desiring (ideally with none of the effort, am I right?). In fact, a lot of the marketing to online entrepreneurs that I see lately suggests that there IS a hidden secret to success that you just haven’t […]