3 Ways to Use Content to Get More Clients

Content has literally built my business. It’s what took me from a brand new entrepreneur with no network to a multiple six-figure earner in under two years. It’s what allowed me to fill my coaching practice within 6 months, and keep it booked ever since. Sharing valuable content has allowed me to create relationships, build […]

The Real Cost of Decision Fatigue

Is it just me or does it seem like everything in our lives and businesses just gets more and more complicated? Picking our Internet provider, figuring out the latest social media platform, navigating the endless opt-ins shoved in our faces, or understanding what’s healthy and what’s not in between a sea of different opinions. We’re […]

Your ideal client is killing your results

Understanding your audience is important when it comes to marketing. But, a lot of the time, exercises like identifying your ideal client or creating an ideal client archetype, simply keep us stuck. Because too many of us are living this story that if we don’t have things perfectly aligned, if we don’t understand every nook […]

4 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Sales

So many entrepreneurs say that sales are their #1 struggle in business…. But 99.9% of the time it’s because they haven’t found a way to do it that feels good and fits them and their unique business. I’m here to tell you that sales doesn’t have to be icky, sleazy, or disempowering. Closing sales is […]

How to Effectively Assess Your Business for Growth

If you’re honest with yourself, when was the last time you took a good, hard look at your business to evaluate what you’re doing really well and where you could make improvements? The truth is that if you don’t take the time to assess what’s working and what’s not, it can feel like an uphill […]