How being motivated by more than money will help you grow your business

What motivates you in your business? At the beginning of our business it’s normal to be primarily motivated by money (because you have to make money to make a difference.. am I right?), but we’re not necessarily bringing it in right away so we need something ELSE to motivate us as well. Then a little […]

My 3 Biggest Challenges In My 1st Year of Biz

My 1 year business anniversary is at the end of this month (I can’t remember the exact date, so that’s what we’re rolling with), and I’ve been thinking a lot about how to share about it and how to commemorate it. I have had some big wins… And I want to celebrate those…. but what […]

Incorporate More YOU While Staying True To Your Brand

How do you incorporate more of YOU into your business and messaging while still staying true to your brand? After having amazing conversations with many women this week that went through #alituppartnership process, I’ve heard a lot of them saying that they’re finding striking that balance really challenging! First, let’s talk about how your mindset […]

The 3 Things I Did That Made My Biz Take Off!

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we try too hard to work on #allthethings, but we’re not necessarily focusing on the right things to grow our business. Today I’m sharing with you the 3 things that I focused on that allowed my biz to take off. First, I got serious about mindset work. Before I started my business I […]