3 Steps to Create a Thriving Relationship with Money
I think sometimes people feel guilty for caring about money (which is super important as a biz owner!) because they think it makes them greedy. The truth is, caring about money won’t make you greedy, destroy your priorities, or turn you into a money monster. But money can help you go on more vacations, send […]
5 Keys to Getting Big Results in Your Business
Over three rounds of A Lit Up Partnership, my past partnership clients created the following results: 5x an income A Forbes feature Filled a practice with ideal clients Made $1500 in one week on a passive income product Created six figures of income within 6 months Hit five figure months consistently (Just to name […]
My Top 5 Secrets for Making Sure Your Next Investment is Your BEST Investment
Thinking about WHERE to invest can be totally overwhelming. There are so many coaches out there, so many programs and courses and guides, so many different service providers who all seem to be selling exactly what we think we need, and so many software or task management systems that we’ve convinced ourselves we’ve just got […]
My Specific Practices For Getting Empowered Around Money
Money is such a charged topic isn’t it? It can make us feel deliriously happy (new client pays her first invoice) OR like a total failure (monthly income is NOT where you want it to be, or is simply non-existent). But the truth is, that its usually LESS about what happens (because we could easily […]
Money Flows Where It Has a Purpose
#letsgetreal Big income months are good, big impact months are better, and both together is BEST. That’s why it’s important to me to have conversations around how to create an impactful business, but to also be TOTALLY available to talk about income and making money without the shame or judgment around it. I notice that […]