Why Personal Growth Is The Key That Many Entrepreneurs Are Missing
As a coach, I’ve seen how business owners can neglect their personal needs and personal growth in the early stages of entrepreneurship. You’re so busy trying to hustle and bustle and build your business that doing something for yourself just isn’t on your radar. Here’s the deal: when you grow, your business grows. You don’t […]
How to Solve the Biggest Issue in Your Biz and ACTUALLY Get Results NOW
Can we talk about the biggest unaddressed issue in our industry? OK, good. It’s solving the WRONG problems in your business. I see this often with clients that come to me trying to solve a problem with “starting the sale” (i.e. getting more warm leads) by learning how to do discovery calls better… but it’s […]
Want to change your reality? Change your environment.
Who we surround ourselves with matters. What I mean by this is that we’re influenced – for better or worse! – by the relationships we keep in both business and life. You’ve probably heard of the quote from Jim Rohn that says we’re the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. […]
5 Ways Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Has Helped Me Achieve Major Success
There’s a lot of talk in the entrepreneurial space that you should only do things in your business from a place of “flow” and “ease”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about both of those things, but you can still have ease (which ironically is different than EASY) and you can still have flow (which […]