The Real Cost of Decision Fatigue

Is it just me or does it seem like everything in our lives and businesses just gets more and more complicated? Picking our Internet provider, figuring out the latest social media platform, navigating the endless opt-ins shoved in our faces, or understanding what’s healthy and what’s not in between a sea of different opinions. We’re […]

Things NOT To Do To Be Effective With Your Time

What’s your relationship with time? Do you see it as your friend or your enemy? Most of us feel like time is something we’re working AGAINST, not with. But guess what? Time isn’t our enemy. It’s neutral (much like money). We just have to choose what to do with it. At one point or another […]

How to Solve the Biggest Issue in Your Biz and ACTUALLY Get Results NOW

Can we talk about the biggest unaddressed issue in our industry? OK, good. It’s solving the WRONG problems in your business. I see this often with clients that come to me trying to solve a problem with “starting the sale” (i.e. getting more warm leads) by learning how to do discovery calls better… but it’s […]

5 Tips for Minimizing Decision Fatigue (and Maximizing Productivity)

Is it just me or does it seem like everything in our lives and businesses just gets more and more complicated? Picking our Internet provider, figuring out the latest social media platform, navigating the endless opt-ins shoved in our faces, or understanding what’s healthy and what’s not in between a sea of different opinions. We’re […]

Is Time Your Friend or Enemy?

Time is a theme that has been coming up a ton within my FB group, with my clients, and is definitely something I’ve dealt with during my entrepreneurial journey. I even have a sign on my desk that says “You have the same amount of hours in the day as Beyonce” because I want to […]