Are You Repurposing Your Content

This week I want to share with you how you can effectively repurpose your content, and get smart & strategic!
I’ve talked to so many amazing women lately that are putting a TON of pressure on themselves to create new, exciting content for every platform they’re on multiple times per day. This can be SO draining and unproductive. Not to mention, it’s just not necessary, which is why repurposing effectively is so crucial.
Let’s first start with the mindset behind it. We are often putting way more pressure on ourselves than is necessary around new content. We think that if we repurpose content that people will notice and stop following us OR that we won’t be able to generate new clients.

This is almost never true, and this pressure usually leads to one of two things…..
– You’re either totally overwhelmed and are spending too much time on content that will disappear by tomorrow
– You totally burn out and stop putting out ANY content
I’d love for you to check in with yourself on your mindset behind repurposing. Are you putting unnecessary pressure on yourself?
The bottom line is…. we’re all solopreneurs (possibly with small teams), and there has to be a willingness to make the best use of our time. We don’t expect others to create 5 pieces of new content on 4 platforms every single day, so we have to take that pressure off ourselves.
Now, let’s get talk strategy….We so often type our posts/content into Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, etc. so we’re not “saving” it anywhere to be repurposed later.
My first tip to start repurposing is to start organizing! Many of you know that my personal method for creating content means that I assign a theme for each week. To organize this I create a word document for each week with the theme and week/date as the title (that’s also how I save it).
This helps me know exactly WHEN I last talked about a certain topic, and it allows me to keep it all in one place. Then some weeks when I’m short on time I can go back and re-use that content, repurpose it based on what I’ve learned since then, or give a different spin on the same topic.
This is also immensely helpful for creating new TYPES of content. For example I can transform a weekly theme into a challenge, or a webinar, or a blog post. It doesn’t always have to look the same.
The bottom line? You have to get your content organized in order to be able to repurpose it effectively. You also have to get it OFF social media and into a storage space that allows you to easily access, find, and re-use whatever you’ve created.
The next step is to get comfortable with repurposing, and to actually put it into action!
So many people think that people will notice they’re repurposing or won’t get value out of it. Realistically, people get MORE value out of hearing the same thing more than once. In this busy online space where we’re drinking out of a fire hose of information all the time we often don’t remember or get to utilize a lot of the good ideas/info we see.
That’s why I have no problem talking about the same thing or repurposing a topic because it can only support others in getting value from it and utilizing the information.
With that being said here are some of my top tips for repurposing:

  1. Use the same theme across the board for each week for all your social media outlets. This allows you to make excellent use of your content and not constantly be writing new things. For example, you can then group shorter Facebook posts into a longer newsletter, or break a blog down into 5 pieces and make them Facebook posts.
  1. Go back to an old topic and give it an updated spin. What’s happened with a client on this topic since you last chatted about it? Have your views changed? Use it to get inspired and to see how your experiences, ideas, etc. evolve and change over time.
  1. Change the platform. If you did a webinar on a specific topic it might be time to write a blog post on it. If you did a Facebook post that got lots of comments it might be time to turn that into a challenge.
  1. Make notes on what your people seem to LOVE! In other words, if a specific topic or piece of content got rave reviews make note of it and move that to the top of your “repurposing list” because you know your peeps love it!
  1. Collaborate. If you have great content to repurpose you may want to create guest blog posts out of them or do a blab on the topic and invite a biz bestie to chat with you about it. Repurposing content and ideas around things you love to talk about is a great way to continue to share your message while making it feel super new and fresh!

My challenge to you is to pick TWO of these tips to utilize in the upcoming weeks for repurposing your content! 
P.S. I’m thinking about an upcoming challenge with a step by step method for repurposing content called …. The Repurposing Revolution…. anyone in for that?! Comment below and let me know if I should make it happen!