The thing that’s ruining your results….

Is it just me or does it seem like everything in our lives and businesses just gets more and more complicated? Picking our Internet provider, figuring out the latest social media platform, or navigating the endless opt-ins, food choices, etc. means we’re constantly bombarded with choices and decisions to make. All of these things not […]

If you want killer content you must do this…

Are you a slave to your inspiration in your biz?? Seriously, this is a PROBLEM for so many entrepreneurs. We feel like we can only create, make things happen, etc. WHEN we’re feeling inspired and we feel like our inspiration is TOTALLY out of our hands. But what if we actually took responsibility for that […]

How Ditching Your Ideal Client Can Blow Up Your Business

Here’s why I think the ideal client is bullshit. Because #letsgetreal … these ideal client exercises have gotten out of control. We’re chasing an ideal that doesn’t exist. We’re creating a checklist, not a guidepost. We’re trying to figure out things about them that have ZERO to do with what we help with and how we […]

How To Build An Engaged Community That Also Grows Your Bank Account

I’ve heard some stuff lately like… “Facebook groups are dying”. I couldn’t disagree more. Facebook groups that are unengaged, only about sales, or aren’t true communities might be dying, but REAL communities are not. I’ve built my Facebook group to over 2,000 women and I’ve consistently used it to make five-figure months since my second […]

A Peek Behind The Scenes… How I make my biz work with my life!

One of the things that I’ve been bad about in my business (and content) is making it all about business. I mean #letsgetreal… I am obsessed with mindset work… as a former therapist and as someone who has created success in multiple businesses I know this is the foundation and the key for creating anything […]