Season Six with Michelle gives us an up close look at navigating new seasons and challenges in business, even and especially when it doesn’t feel like the business is growing at the speed we want it to. Michelle is an IVF support coach who is navigating letting go of a corporate mindset, stepping into her power, and making business work as life circumstances pop up along the way. Tune in to get a big dose of permission, see the value of personal support, the unique nature of Michelle’s business, and how to adjust to the challenges that come up as this journey unfolds.
In this introductory episode, we learn about our new coachee Michelle! We discuss the importance of support and embracing the timing of your journey. Michelle
We’re kicking off Season 6 with Michelle! Listen in to Michelle and I talk about an important piece of client onboarding, combining mindset and strategy
In Session 2 with Michelle, we’re having a very important conversation around celebrating momentum, creating a strategy (and why it’s important to stay consistent), identifying
In Session 3 with Michelle, we’re diving into how to feel fulfilled and confident with your business model. From how to love the different aspects
In this first solo episode of Season 6, I talk about the secret to growing your business that most people won’t tell you. Why won’t
In Session 4 with Michelle, we get some VERY exciting news (!!!) and dive into all things capacity and conditioning. We talk about what it
In Session 5 with Michelle, we talk about mastering her mindset (and ditching the 9-5 mentality) to create a ripple effect that gets bigger results
In Session 6 with Michelle, we dive into all things strategy and execution. From deciding your next right steps, to using the free time you
In our second solo episode, we’re having a deep conversation on the 9-5 conditioning that tells us that business and life are always in competition
In Session 7 with Michelle, we illustrate how sales objections can help us gain clarity to make more sales. From handling disappointment and objections in
In Session 8 with Michelle, we’re discussing taking breaks from business and creating streamlined systems and processes that will be fulfilling and profitable. This episode
In Session 9 with Michelle, we discuss everything from how to organize your business tasks so you’re wearing your true CEO hat to how to
In this solo episode, we’re breaking down the difference between experiencing ease and things feeling easy in our business and the myths that can keep
In Session 10 with Michelle, we are giving you a great mindset checkpoint as we chat about Michelle’s exciting progress in her business. We’re talking
In Session 11 with Michelle, we discuss her sales process, making an exciting announcement to her community (YAY!) and planning for extended time off from
In Session 12 with Michelle, we discuss her maternity leave plans and how things will continue to run in her absence. Whether you’re planning for
In this solo episode, we discuss the strategy and mindset tips that I truly believe you need to have in place to create a successful
In Session 13 with Michelle, we go deep on life-related topics like Michelle feeling the desire to do more with her personal life and weighing
In Session 14 with Michelle, we discuss some key topics that lead to significant breakthroughs and aha moments for Michelle and what she wants to
In Session 15 with Michelle, we follow up on all the questions she’s been asking herself and dive into what’s unfolded from that. We also
In this last solo episode of season 6, I talk about an important theme that’s come up this season that is a gamechanger for your
In Session 16 with Michelle, we continue leaning into our power, taking ownership of our results AND realizing that we can get what we want
In Session 17 with Michelle, we discuss the way we see ourselves and how this is what ultimately directs our actions in business and life.
In Session 18 with Michelle (our final session of the season!) we discuss the things that are going well in her business as well as
In this wrap-up episode with Michelle, we are talking all about what her experience on the podcast was like as well as the lessons and
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