In Session 11 with Michelle, we discuss her sales process, making an exciting announcement to her community (YAY!) and planning for extended time off from her business. This episode will help you finetune your sales process from start to finish as well as give you tips to stay in alignment when planning for announcements and/or breaks so that you can avoid overwhelm.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- How sharing big news with your community AND sales/launching are kinda similar (and how these can be done in an easeful and not stressful way)
- What is actually required for creating improvements in business (hint: it’s not the hack you thought!)
- The foundation to a replicable sales process that is in alignment with your business and your humans (so they are ready and willing to buy from you!)
- How to plan for long breaks so that you can avoid overwhelm and continue to grow your business while out of office
- My KEY tip for designing offers that don’t compete with one another yet serve your clients well (and create the potential for re-signs and upsells!)