A Challenge on Challenges: Day 5

Following up your challenge with an irresistible offer


Download Day 5 Worksheet



Welcome to Day Five of A Challenge on Challenges. I am so proud of you for the hard work you’ve put into creating your own challenge. It’s time for you to congratulate yourself on a job well done. You have created an amazing challenge and are well on your way to bringing in those clients and cash. That is why Day Five is all about following up your challenge with an irresistible offer.

So now that you’ll have spent a week giving your audience major value and showing them that you can support them in getting results, it’s time to show them what the next level of working together would look like. The most important thing is that your challenge flows directly into your offer. In other words, it doesn’t make sense to do a challenge on growing your list and then giving them an offer of support around manifesting your dream husband. I know that’s a really dramatic example, but the point is that it’s super important for your offer to be the next logical step to achieve their goals after finishing their challenge.

So for example, I have a challenge I ran called The Content Planning Party, where we plan out 15 weeks of content for your business. When I ran it live, my irresistible offer after that was a three hour intensive, where we worked on your mindset around getting visible, the strategy behind actually bringing this content to life and getting it out into the world, and an execution plan to make it happen. It was an obvious next step to go from planned out content to work around getting visible and getting that content out there. People took me up on that super easily and they ended up getting even more value from the offer because they had done the foundational work during the challenge. So remember that your offer should flow directly from your challenge to make it irresistible to your potential clients.

The other thing to remember is that it’s often best to give them an easy next step offer. In other words, if you haven’t already spent time warming up your audience before the challenge, then offering a $10,000 coaching package after a five day challenge might not make a ton of sense. Many of these people just got into your group or on your list for this challenge specifically. So they’ve only been interacting with you for about a week. If you give them an offer that’s too big they could be more likely to say ‘no’ even if they’ve been primed to buy all week. That’s why I recommend giving an introductory offer that gets them into your customer funnel and allows them to see what a talented coach or service provider you are. Then you can offer bigger packages down the road. Now, this could be very different if you’ve already built a warm audience and the whole point of the challenge is to convert them into a bigger package. The important thing is to keep in mind what works best for YOUR audience and the place you’re at in your business and pitch the irresistible offer with that in mind.

What can be valuable about leading with an introductory offer though, is that we all know that once someone buys from you, they’re prime to buy from you again. So don’t think it means that they’ll never want to take you up on a higher end offer down the road. In fact, this is laying the groundwork for that. It simply means that often we want to ease into and continue to show high level value, get them into your customer funnel, and then from there you can determine who would be the best fit for higher level packages. Now, you may already have an offer that fits this perfectly, or you may want to create a new limited time offer just for your challenge. I have personally done both. I’ve pitched my content intensive after a challenge, which I offer all the time and I’ve also created new offers that were only for my challenge participants and only for a limited time. So make sure to decide what’s the best fit and create a new irresistible offer if needed.

Lastly, I’d recommend giving your challenge participants a special deal, bonus, percentage off, or whatever feels good to you. Time really is our most valuable asset and your participants gave you their time for your challenge. so show them your appreciation by extending them a special offer at the end of it. That doesn’t have to mean a monetary discount if that doesn’t feel good to you. It could be an additional session, a bonus, or something else that fits in really well with your program. Show them your appreciation, make them feel special and only offer the discount or bonus for a limited time so that there’s urgency to decide on this offer right after your challenge ends.

This not only creates urgency for them to buy but shows them the value of participating in your future events as well which is huge!

Now is the time for you to design your irresistible offer. Today your challenge is to complete the day five PDF, and map out your irresistible offer. Then, I’d love for you to let us know in the Facebook group that you’ve completed this challenge so we can celebrate you, love on you, and share in your excitement for all that’s to come in your business!

Thank you again so much for being here and participating. I appreciate it so much!