This Client File will not be anonymous, and it’s in a totally different format than normal 😊
My amazing client, Amanda Joyce Weber, went back into the archives and grabbed some of the FIRST coaching calls we had together (from 2018!), and decided to share the actual recordings on her podcast, One Simple Shift.
I always allow all of my clients to record our sessions (if that feels useful to them) and Amanda has been recording them since the beginning.
She initially meant for them to go into a file to be seen (listened to?) ONLY by her, but after seeing so many of her clients struggle with the exact things that used to hold her back, she decided it would be wildly helpful to share some of these (and her thoughts/experience around it).
Here’s the really cool part… you’re usually hearing MY take on all that is going on with clients. You’re hearing my takeaways in The Client Files or my personal clip ins on LITerally but this time, you get to hear Amanda’s take on what was happening for her at the time and how much things have shifted since. Pretty cool right?
When Amanda came to me to ask if she could use the old recordings on her podcast, she graciously offered to scratch the idea if I wasn’t comfortable or to allow me to listen to each episode and offer edits before she aired it. But here’s the thing… y’all know I don’t roll like that 😜 So you’re getting the 100% real, raw, unfiltered version. I didn’t listen to these prior to them airing and frankly, I have no idea what I said years ago in these sessions. But what I know is this…
It will only help no matter what. If Amanda is brave enough to share where she was and what she was struggling with, the least I can do is be brave enough to share the coaching she got around it.
You can catch the episodes here:
The Sales Series Intro: The real, raw behind the scenes::
In this episode, Amanda chats about:
- Her decision to air actual behind the scenes recordings with me (even if it scares the eff out of her to put these out there!)
- How Amanda hopes this transparency will change the way you think about what it takes to sell and REALLY be successful in your online biz
- How long it ACTUALLY took Amanda to land a client in the coaching business and how normalizing this is so key to avoiding the hamster wheel of self-doubt in your own biz
- The number one reason Amanda is so passionate about helping you shift your mindset around sales so you can make more of them
- The thing that made her realize that she is here to help with the same challenges she used to have
**NOTE: this is Amanda’s intro… our actual coaching begins airing the following episode!**
The Sales Series 1: Potential not promises::
In this episode, we chat about:
- A real, behind the scenes look at Amanda’s struggle with clarity, getting more visible in her coaching business, and feeling confident in what she was selling
- My much needed perspective on how she was holding herself back from seeing more results and what to do to shift it (so you can too!)
- An up-close look at how I coached Amanda through her blind spots so she could see more results in her marketing
- The exact mindset shift you need to see the potential in your own offer so you can show up and sell it in a way that feels good
- Amanda’s own limiting beliefs when it came to owning her expertise and how we shifted them FAST
The Sales Series 2: Making it harder than it has to be::
In this episode, we chat about:
- The one story Amanda had that had her making her business more difficult to grow at every turn and how shifting this was essential to seeing different results
- Fear, plus the thing that puppies, our president, and her money mindset all had in common (yes, really!) and the mindset exercise that followed and changed everything for Amanda!
- My (very accurate) theory about why Amanda was so judgy about mindset coaches and how this allowed her to step into her role as one
- The decision you need to make TODAY to start seeing more of the results you want (like more sales!) in your biz
- A very real look at Amanda’s impatience with growing this second biz and the (very “out there”) mindset exercise that shifted that for her for more results (and that you can put into practice NOW)
I hope this really helps to illustrate that while we all have our own paths, we all have similar challenges as well. In fact, that’s exactly why Amanda decided to air this. Because she realized that her challenges were the same as her clients and she knew if she moved past them, others absolutely can too (I know, I know… the cheesy “you can do it thing” right? But seriously, you can do it)!
As always, the point isn’t for you to have to use all of the exact strategies Amanda and I talk about, but it is to remind you that the big results are in mindset, strategy, and execution and getting support that TRULY fits you and can help you see and shift the things that are keeping you stuck.