We’re used to asking questions like:
- How can I add 1,000 people to my list?
- How can I make 10K per month?
- How can I sign 6 new clients?
Instead, one thing that I learned from the incredible Margaret Lynch is to ask questions that are based around giving VALUE. In other words:
- How can I give value to 1,000 new people?
- How can I give 10k worth of value per month?
- How can I give 6 new people a life + business changing experience?
That is exactly where the challenges, giveaways, etc. I do in my business come from… asking how can I give more value, not how can I get XYZ!
When we move from a mindset of “What can I get?” to “What can I give?” everything shifts.
Asking questions around value + service takes us out a scarcity mindset, and ensures we’re no longer coming from a place of need, but a place of DESIRE.
We’re desiring to give more of ourselves, our gifts, and our purpose!
Will it potentially grow your group, build your list, get you a client, etc.? Definitely! But that isn’t the POINT. The point is service + value and THEN getting strategic about how to provide it!
What I’ve noticed through my own work on this and through my clients is that often we’re scared to lead with value when we don’t think we have enough of it.
The strategy here is to really shift your mindset and realize that you have unlimited value, so you have unlimited value to give. Your value isn’t a limited resource that you’re going to run out of!
Again it’s about asking a better question… Not what value can I give and what value can I hold back? But rather… How can I give value and continue to get inspired to give even more?
You can transform your business AND your strategy by changing this question around, and realizing that there isn’t a cap on the amount of value you can give. You can also work on transforming your mindset around this. One of my favorite mantras on this topic is:
“I have unlimited value to give to my community and my clients. The more I give the more inspired I am to give more!”
I want to challenge you to set a goal for yourself related to the value you want to offer to your clients/potential clients, then come up with a game plan to give that value to your community.
For example, your goal could be things like… Give value to 100 new people, create a life/business changing experience for 3 new people, or give 10K worth of value each month.
Then come up with a plan for executing and bringing it to life. When we’re actively planning and participating in creating what we want and giving that value, we’re creating an energetic exchange that makes us, and our potential clients feel awesome.
When we feel awesome and focused in our business everything changes!
How are you currently leading with value in your business? What value-based goal are you setting for yourself? How are you going to execute on making that happen?
If you want to learn more strategies that work for YOU in creating a business while making an income AND an impact, make sure you check out my FREE guide Your Waiting List Is Waiting: The 7 Steps I Took To Book My Coaching Practice Solid.
I don’t share these steps so you can copy me, “do exactly what I did”… but so you can take what I’ve learned and use that wisdom to apply to YOUR unique business and YOUR unique skill set. Download it below!