The #lituplivestream Challenge

Recently when I asked the members of my Facebook group The Lit Up & Loaded Entrepreneur what they loved and what they wanted more of, they said livestreams from me and challenges to execute.
So in the spirit of executing and making things happen, we hosted an impromptu livestream challenge called #lituplivestream where we focused on visibility, execution, support, and connection with your ideal clients!
Even though the challenge isn’t live anymore, YOU can still go through it so that you can create some seriously awesome re-usable livestreams livestreams to grow your visibility and up your know, like, and trust factor like whoa!
The #lituplivestream challenge will help you EXECUTE… and complete a livestream each day (not just think about it!) that you can use and share to grow your business and visibility. I’ve listed out 5 prompts to use (so you don’t have to wonder… what am I going to talk about??) AND I’m sharing my own livestreams here (yes, I went through the challenge right alongside everyone! Gotta walk my talk.)
As you go through these prompts and create your own livestreams, use the hashtag #lituplivestream so you can share it in different places/groups but we can still find each other, support each other, and give feedback + love (feel free to tag me too!!)

Here are your 5 #lituplivestream prompts:


PROMPT 1: Your Story

I want you to share your own story on your livestream in a real, authentic way.
All too often we create content that has lots of tips, quotes, etc. (which don’t get me wrong.. is part of the process) but we never dive deep and truly share our story with our audience. Or we just let it sit out our “about me” page where very few of the people that follow us actually see it. We’re missing out on a beautiful opportunity to get real with our community.
Sharing your story can feel really scary and overwhelming, especially the vulnerable parts, but there is nothing that will connect your audience more to you than this. Don’t forget to give it a point, and share with them the lessons they can learn from it.

MY LIVESTREAM: The part of my story you may not have heard…

PROMPT 2: Your Top 3

Share a top 3 list/explanation for something in line with your message. For example, I might share “The top 3 things you should be doing in your business each day” or “The top 3 steps to give serious value to your community”.
The point here is to:

  • Share something that reinforces your message
  • Give actionable tips/steps
  • Break it down into 3 parts so your audience can easily follow and utilize

Again, this doesn’t have to be perfect! It’s JUST about getting comfortable. I’ll be sharing something soon about how you can improve in a big way, but this week is just about getting it done!

MY LIVESTREAM: The top three things you should be doing in your business daily! 

PROMPT 3: Your Biggest Challenge

I want you to share your biggest challenge or challenges in your business or on your journey. This ideally could tie back to your ideal client’s challenges as well, but it doesn’t have to! The point here is to be real, authentic, and human. We also want to help others learn from our experiences… especially the ones we had to learn lessons around the hard way 😉
You can share as much or as little as you want! I do love pushing everyone out of their comfort zone *evil laugh* but I don’t want you to feel like you have to OVERSHARE or be massively uncomfortable. It’s all about learning from our challenges, using that to support others, and being available to be REAL and authentic with our community and each other!

MY LIVESTREAM: My biggest challenge and how all three of the challenges I shared with you last week intersect

PROMPT 4: Your Client’s Story

It’s so powerful for your potential clients to see themselves in YOUR story. It’s also incredibly powerful (maybe even more so) for your potential clients to see themselves in your CLIENT’S story.

You don’t have to give away names or identifying facts, but walk us through the story of them starting with you and how your work together transformed things for them. If you need help crafting your story make sure to check our yesterday’s masterclass replay that was ALL about story-telling with Paula Diaco here.

CONFESSION: I’m personally bad at this in my business. I could share client testimonials and results so much more often, but I don’t because I don’t want to own their results, because THEY own their results. But let’s just call this what it is ok? Total. Bullshit. Your clients WANT to feel like your success story and want you to brag on them *talks to self/looks in mirror* so let’s remember that this is in service of EVERYONE: you, your client, and your potential client OK? You with me?

MY LIVESTREAM: Clients quitting their businesses and $20k months 

PROMPT 5: Your Biggest Achievement

So far we’ve shared quite a bit about ourselves, including our biggest challenge, so today let’s brag on ourselves a little and share our biggest achievement. It can be so easy to ignore this part of your business. To feel like it’s bragging or in poor taste to own your awesome, but it’s actually crucial.
Your own wins, progress, and results mean just as much to your community as the tips and information you’re giving them. It can inspire them, show them what’s possible, and help them see that transformation is available to us all. This doesn’t have to be business or income specific (but it can be!). It just has to be you sharing YOUR wins and showing your potential clients that those are possible for them too.

MY LIVESTREAM: My biggest achievement… and why I couldn’t pick one 😜

Now, go get on live to up your visibility! Remember, done is better than perfect. And don’t forget to use the hashtag #lituplivestream so I can watch your livestreams and support you!