without you being present 24/7 with my COO Megan Schopieray
Feel like you always have to be *in* your business to keep it running? Have a hard time unplugging or taking a week away?
This past year alone, my COO Megan has taken not one but *three* fully unplugged 2-week vacations. I personally took a week in Switzerland last month and then found myself spontaneously needing a long weekend just last week.
While it’s great to know that you have the time freedom to get away when you want (or need) to, it’s even better to know that things in your business can run smoothly while you do. It’s BEST to know that your business will not just run but it can actually grow and move forward while you’re OOO.
You don’t have to work 24/7 in order to run or grow your business. You can empower your team to keep business as normal AND help projects move forward, too.
That’s why I did this livestream with my COO Megan Schopieray to share how to empower your team to help you grow your business without you being present 24/7.
Whether you have a team now or you want one in the future, this livestream will help you understand how to use systems, team and software to keep your business running like a well-oiled machine whether you’re physically in it or not.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
• How to create processes and systems in your biz (so that you can go on vacation and your business can still move forward)
• What to do when you think “no one can do it better or faster than me” (& how to delegate so that you can grow your biz AND your life)
• Your #1 responsibility as a business owner with a team (and the #1 thing your team needs to be told ASAP)
• Why you’ve got stop expecting your team to read your mind (& how I empowered my team to help fill a mastermind while I was on vacation)