Why My Biz Works and The Strategy That Has Made It So Much Easier Over Time

Starting half ✌️ of 2020 (how is it July?!) has a lot of us reflecting on where we are and where we’re headed, right?

Personally, I’m reflecting on how A Lit Up Life is on track for over $600k CASH this year, how I’m booked out for 1:1 for the rest of the year (and had to literally close down my doors and stop taking sales calls), and how I spend my days doing one of the things I love most: coaching clients.

But while I love sharing these results with you, I’m also deeply committed to sharing the behind-the-scenes of how these results are possible… and what specific mindset, strategy, and execution brought them to life.

That’s why I went live to share Why My Biz Works and The Strategy That Has Made It So Much Easier Over Time.

I’m sharing the three principles I make TOP priority while running A Lit Up Life and why these three things have made it possible for me to stay booked out, add over $100k CASH to my biz each year (without any additional work), and do work I absolutely LOVE.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

• The single most important mindset to adopt if you want more ease in business
• One of the biggest reasons business feels hard (and how to flip that NOW)
• How to make business feel good sustainably (and the #1 strategy to implement)
• The reason I can be on track for $600k CASH this year (with amazing margins btw- I take home about 85% of that) AND do work I love