You’re creating your own objections. Promise.

(Lessons from clients that will blow up your business)

There’s a lot of talk in the online space about overcoming objections and moving past resistance, right? Well, what if I said that the most important thing for you to know about objections — scratch that, the ONLY thing you need to know right now — is that YOU are the one creating said objections in the first place.

(Let that sink in for a moment, cause it’s kinda a doozy.)

As soon as we take ownership of our part in the objection conversation, we get to *completely* rewrite our story. We go from “overcoming objections” to seeing every single objection as an opportunity to EMPOWER and make WAY more sales. We’re talking 80-90% conversion rate kind of sales!

That’s why I did this livestream to share how I know we create our own objections (and what to do about it). These are lessons from clients that will seriously BLOW UP your biz!

Here’s what you’re going to learn:
• How to feel massively confident moving through time, money, and readiness objections (3:20)
• Why *exactly* you’re struggling to move people through objections (8:30)
• What 3 things you MUST believe in order to close more sales (12:30)
• The 2 things to do when you feel frustrated with your sales process and want to make more money (23:00)