How to Create More Collaboration Opportunities in Your Business
Are you looking for collaboration? Do you want to work with someone else, fighting for the same mission? Do you have an idea that’d be perfect for a group of business owners to execute upon together? Are you craving genuine connection and the feeling of excitement that comes from working with a team? I bring […]
How to Solve the Biggest Issue in Your Biz and ACTUALLY Get Results NOW
Can we talk about the biggest unaddressed issue in our industry? OK, good. It’s solving the WRONG problems in your business. I see this often with clients that come to me trying to solve a problem with “starting the sale” (i.e. getting more warm leads) by learning how to do discovery calls better… but it’s […]
Behind-the-Scenes Peek at A Lit Up Partnership
A Lit Up Partnership is an innovative coaching model where I work with clients for 20% of the revenue they generate in our work together… RATHER than for a set payment upfront. I’ve run the partnership three times – and in celebration of round FOUR of this amazing process (going on now – learn more […]
Leading With Intention
Leadership wasn’t something I was born with. I hear a lot of people say that they were a born leader. They were leading other kids on the playground, telling their siblings what to do, or taking on leadership roles in their classrooms at age 7. That was NEVER me. I was an only child, the […]
The Hardest Email I've Ever Written
I recently sent an email to my list that was the hardest email I’ve ever written. Not because I had anything bad to say, but because I had something GREAT to say and I often fall short on tooting my own horn (I’m sure many of you can relate)! I’ve been talking to my Facebook group this week […]